Monday, July 21, 2014

Jai Jagat 2020

Dear Friends,

On the basis of our learning from previous campaigns such as the Jan Chetavani yatra in 2006, the Jan Adesh march in 2007 and Jan Sathyagraha in 2012, Ekta Parishad is now positioned to launch a new campaign called Jai Jagat 2020. You may take note that in previous campaigns we used the adage Jan, meaning ‘people’, and this is because we focused on marginalized people. In the 2020 campaign we are broadening to Jagat, meaning all people in the world. This does not mean that the work of Ekta Parishad alters its direction from changing its focus away from the lives of poor people. We continue to organize marginalized communities for their control over land and natural resources, as a way to fight poverty. At the same time we realize that this problem is not limited to India alone and that people from almost every country across the world are experiencing similar challenges. Market driven globalization is depriving millions of people from their land and accessing resources. People are being dispossessed and forced into cities and slums.  This means that we need to work at a global as well as at the grassroots level to bring about real change.

Jai Jagat actually means VICTORY OF THE WORLD. That is very close to the concept of  Sarvodaya (‘well being of all’) that was given by Mahatma Gandhi. The underlying principle is that, if there is a victory then it should be the victory of our common humanity not the victory of one nation over another. The victory should also be based on the victory of living commodiously together, and of people coexisting with nature. If the victory is for everyone and for everything, then this is the best. A modern world needs to imbibe these new values, the values of Jai Jagat and Gandhi’s notion of Sarvodaya.

We are aware that the above terms and terminologies are drawn from the Hindi language and are generally confined to India, but we believe that these words are very relevant in a global campaign.  What is being proposed, as the forthcoming global action, is that no one country or group of people can bring about genuine change. The increasingly destructive trends need to be counteracted by local and global action that is coordinated and done simultaneously. Such a large-scale effort needs to challenge and sensitize global organizations and global players. While a very strong component of Ekta Parishad’s actions will be in India responding to the local problems, we are very keen to work with as many organizations as possible at every country level and at the global level in order to advance the survival agenda of nature and people on the planet.

In relation to Jai Jagat2020, some action plans are already in the pipeline. These have emerged through various discussions and we are still open and willing to incorporate new ideas and new programs in order to gain wider participation.

The following eight proposed actions are being considered:

1.      Youth training in non-violent action will be a major component of this campaign. This is an opportunity to train and sensitize as many young people as possible in the coming years. In India there have been widespread alliance building with many other organizations. The plan is to reach out to more than hundred thousand young men and women in all 660 districts of the country. We are planning to organize youth and work camps in every district involving a minimum of 200 youth in each district. These camps will provide the opportunity for young people to discuss, to understand issues and also to make action plans that challenge deprivation and alienation of land and resources from the poor non-violently.

2.      We also plan to involve collaborative partnership with civil society groups in various other continents and countries.  Friends in Ekta Parishad have been involved in youth training programs in Brazil, Colombia, Nicaragua, Peru, Senegal, France, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, England, Spain as well as in Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bangladesh. We have been most willing to share our limited skills and capacities with those who are looking for such skill training to work more effectively among young people. We have also provided exposure and training to many who have come to India from various parts of the globe to learn from our way of working among the marginalized groups.  We believe in alliance building and networking with all like-minded people and groups.

3.      An international youth program has been designed for the month of September 2014, in which about 30 young social leaders from 15 countries are expected to participate. This program will be organized in India in order to give people exposure to building social actions nonviolently. If anyone finds this interesting, please consult the International Initiatives site at

4.      In 2016 a similar program is being designed for women leaders who may visit India to see how grassroots women leaders have been able to transform their lives through their own efforts. Again this visit will be through the Indian villages and the visitors will travel and interact with grassroots women leaders for a period of two weeks. This travel will culminate in to a women leadership camp and a conference by women.

5.      In 2018 we are planning to organize an international conference on Non-violent Economy. You may be aware that in some parts of the globe, this alternative economy is called ‘social economy’, ‘solidarity economy’, etc. In India we call it nonviolent economy. These economic relations encourage and promote a development model based on self-reliance, reciprocity and more fair exchange, and counter the current violent and dominant economy. The challenge will be to create a non-violent economy while continuing with non-violent social change through struggle.

6.      In this note we are only providing an initial action calendar in India. We are sure other timelines will emerge from different organizations in other parts of the world. In order to link all these actions to a global process, a group of 100 friends (an international team) will march from Delhi Rajghat  (the resting place of Mahatma Gandhi), to Geneva or the United Nations HQ. The UN was established in order to uphold the human values, dignity as well as human rights of every individual. This is time for ordinary people to remind citizens in different parts of the world that we need inclusive and equitable relationships. This is the time for people to walk, talk and sing in the reshaping a world in which the diversity of people and nature can be maintained. This march will take nearly 15 months and this is the time for all partners to organize small and big marches in their own cities, countries or in the regions to march for a new world order.

7.      The entire campaign of Jai Jagat 2020 is built around the notion that “our world can be different if we are not indifferent”. Another important notion is that “in a world torn between silence and violence we need to come together to introduce the culture of active nonviolence”.

8.      This is a call for every one interested to join the campaign or to support the campaign in whichever way people feel it is fitting.Some possible actions are as below.

a.       Connect us with organizations and campaigns with which you are familiar.
b.      Get this document into your publications, websites, newsletters and other channels of dissemination.
c.       Encourage journalists to write about it.
d.      Find an opportunity to visit India or invite us to your in-country programs.
e.       Make small financial contributions to support the youth training.

We hope to receive your valuable suggestions and inputs in shaping this campaign as it is going to impact the lives of millions of people as well as on the planet. We believe that such a campaign can have a huge impact on the institutions and policies at the global level.

Rajagopal P.V.

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