Friday, December 17, 2021

Nonviolent Economy by Sonia


Nonviolent Economy



The four pillars of the Jai Jagat campaign propose to heal our injured Planet by taking action on some of the main causes that have generated the planetary crisis of our time. Mahatma Gandhi’s words presented in his political manifesto Hind Swaraj resonate now more than ever: This civilization is such that one has only to be patient and it will be self-destroyed.”

We have defaced the body of the Earth without realizing that we belong to her. Her cry belongs to everyone. When we propose to eradicate poverty, it is because we know that we can unite our hands, hearts and heads so no one is left behind. When we propose to remove social discrimination, it is because we know that we can look into our eyes and forget about our differences. When we propose to reverse ecological destruction and climate change, it is because we know that we can relearn to coexist respecting life and the other species. When we propose to end conflict, it is because we know that we can practice the force of love as an opportunity to create instead of destroying. All this knowledge belong to the people of the Earth and it is manifested through our consciousness in action, reflected in the dignity of labour so that we all can have access to Food, Clothing, Housing, Health and Education. In this way we can eradicate structural violence to rebuild a society based on the principles and values of nonviolence. The collective creation of Territories of Peace in our neighbor hoods, communities and villages rises from the aspiration to fulfill these basic interconnected needs. It is made possible through community participation in which skills and talents of women, men, children and elders are expressed for the upliftment of all. These Territories of Peace are self-sustained through the force of labour organized from inside and from below and when necessary regional banks are built by using local tangible and intangible resources. The consciousness of interdependence among different elements and forces at work designs oceanic circles that multiply this intention in action towards peoples autonomy. Nevertheless the defense of territories and life is fundamental to concretize this process of nonviolent ECOnomy.



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