Thursday, July 9, 2015

Jai Jagat Song

Here isthe lyrics and the translation to English:

Jai Jagat, Jai jagat
Jai jagat Pukaare jaa
Jai jagat Pukaare jaa
Sir Aman Pe vaare ja
Sab ke het ke vaste
Apne sukh Bisaare Ja

Victory to the World!
March on with the slogan
Victory to the whole world
Let us offer everything
At the altar of peace
Let us stake our happiness
For the good of all

Let Peace prevail
Let everyone love everyone
Let the whole world be the winner
Why should anyone be a loser

All laws be based on justice
May all enjoy equal right
Let land belong to all,
Even as the sky belongs to all

Throw away differences of colour
Break the barriers of religion
Let the bond of love
Among mankind be immortal

May the winds of peace
Engulf the world
May the world rejoice
May the darkness of hatred give way
To the dawn of friendship

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